Dorsey Family Homes -
How to Make Your Home Cozy for the Winter

Posted on January 31, 2020

Winter is in full swing and we want to just stay inside. Are you looking around the house and thinking how can you make your home cozy? We have a list of simple things to do in your home to make it more homey and warm. You don’t want to come home after a long day of work and not feel relaxed. Follow these tips to make your home a dream escape for the winter.


Throwout those blankets with holes and the ones that are so thin they’ll never keep you warm on chilly nights. Instead, swap out your blankets for some faux fur ones or some thick knitted blankets. These will keep you cozy throughout the night and while you are watching Disney+ with the kids. You might even steal them and take them to the bedroom because they are so cozy.


It’s time for a shopping trip to your local Target to stock up on some candles. Candles are a classic way of making your home feel cozy and warm during the winter. With the flickering light and the warm smell, you’ll feel instantly relaxed after a long day at work. We recommend getting some warming scents instead of sweet scents for your home. This way they won’t be overpowering and you’ll feel like you are outdoors.

New Bedding

Freshen up your bedroom and buy a new comforter. Get a thicker winter comforter and pair it with a breathable linen duvet cover so you won’t overheat in the night. Adding new bedding can take you out of the winter blues.


One of the best ways to add some warmth to your house is to add some cozy rugs! Your feet will thank you in the morning when you aren’t walking on the ice-cold floor. Get some thicker rugs to feel extra cozy!

Change Lightbulbs

Change lightbulbs? Of course. Get dimmer light bulbs instead of bright ones to add warm tones in your house. You’ll instantly feel warmer and will want to read a book next to the fire Bonus! You’ll be able to save more money because it’s a lower wattage!

Clean House

No one likes a cluttered house. Before you start adding these touches, spiffy up your house. You’ll feel a lot better when you come home to a cozy AND clean house.

We want you to feel cozy in your Dorsey home! Use the tips to make your house a home during the chilly winter months. Is there anything we missed to make your home cozy?