Dorsey Family Homes -
Be Proactive and Spring Clean

Posted on March 15, 2020

Instead of watching Netflix for hours on end this spring, you can clean! We know it’s hard to get active during this time of uncertainty, so we’re challenging you to get off your couch and clean. Cleaning helps improve focus, is a good distraction, and takes your mind off the news. With Covid-19 being the source of anxiety, take that energy and use it to clean your home. Not only is deep cleaning your home a great distraction, but it’s also crucial that you clean and properly sanitize your home during this time. Continue sanitizing your home on a regular basis to help kill those germs and lessen your chance of getting any kind of virus. Take this untraditional opportunity to help flatten the curve and freshen your home. We’ve got tips and tricks to help you have a clean fresh home to quarantine in.

Wash and Dry

Take advantage of your washer and dryer and your time at home to easily swap out loads. Focus on items around the house that don’t regularly get laundered, like your curtains. We often neglect our curtains in regular cleaning and they can get caked up in pet hair, dust, and other grossness. Next, turn your attention to your winter closet and wash coats, scarves, hats, gloves and other cold-weather apparel that could use a refresh after the season. After you’ve wrapped up your coat closet, consider washing your throw blankets and pillows, table cloths and even dirty running shoes. Laundry can be a drag, but it’s also a productive use of increased time around the house and who doesn’t love when the house smells like fresh clean laundry?

Time for Feng Shui

Now we’re not telling you to move your couch in the corner and put a potted plant on the chair to freshen up your home. We’re saying to move all of your furniture so you can properly give the neglected floor a deep clean. Move everything to the center of the room and get those dust bunnies out. And who knows, maybe you will feel like rearranging after the deep clean, now’s a great time to try out new arrangements since you’ll be home!

Time for a Change

If you don’t remember when the last time was that you changed your dish sponges or brushes, it’s probably time for new ones. Old sponges and brushes can harbor a ton of bacteria. You should change your sponges AT LEAST once a month. Order some replacements on Amazon.

Wipe it Down

Don’t forget to give your walls a wipe down as well. A year’s worth of fingerprints and dust can add up. Use your Magic Eraser to get rid of buildup and make your walls shine a little brighter.

Look up

If you think you are done, don’t forget to look up. Time to get on a stool and clean your ceilings and ceiling fans. We tend to forget that ceilings, especially corners where the wall meets the ceilings, get cobwebs and dust caked on. While you are at it, dust your air vents, ducts, lights, tops of cabinets and bookcases. In fact, dust everything you don’t normally touch. This not only improves the look of your ceiling but also improves the air quality so you can breathe easier. If you don’t have a tall enough stool, we recommend getting a Swiffer Extension to get those hard to reach spots.


Now is definitely the time to take extra care into sanitizing your house. Use Clorox wipes, rubbing alcohol, and even antibacterial soap. Help keep yourself and others safe by sanitizing the most common areas you touch. Knobs, handles, sinks, fridge, anything that your hands touch.

Use this time to make your home a clean oasis. By spring cleaning your home, you aren’t only freshening up your house, but you are also helping to protect yourself and your family from harmful bacteria. Take photos and tag us on social media to show us your spring cleaning efforts. Stay clean and stay safe from the Dorsey Homes Family.