Dorsey Family Homes -
2022 Kitchen Organization Hacks

Posted on April 21, 2022

We all know over time rooms get cluttered which can make spaces feel “smaller.” Organizing and cleaning out your spaces can give your home a brand new look. Here are some of our favorite 2022 kitchen hacks to get your space organized.

Food Containers

Yes, reusable food storage containers! These aren’t for you to put on your table, but in your cabinets. These containers come in all shapes, sizes and colors and fit perfectly almost anywhere. You can store dry foods like pasta or cereal in your cabinets or pantry. These containers are also refrigerator safe! 

Wall Shelf

You can use these shelves for hanging pictures, hanging your broom, or even a towel rack. Use these for storing your pot lids in your cabinets. It helps create more shelf space.

Drawer Spice Organizer

Tired of shuffling through your cabinets and pantry to look for the seasoning you need? These drawers shelves take all of that stress away. By just adding your seasonings in the order you choose to your drawer you can make cooking much quicker and easier. 

Pullout Organizers

Add some extra space for your cleaning supplies and put a tension rod under your sink. It will lift your spray bottles off of the bottom so you have more free space for sponges and even pots and pans.

Shelf Racks

Have your kids grown out of their school lockers? Take their leftover supplies like locker shelves to add a shelf in your cabinets for extra storage.


And finally, label label label! It’s the easiest thing to stay organized. Not only will it help you keep track of where things are, but it can also help you keep your food fresh.

Try these tips to help you stay organized this spring. Stay up to date on new trends and hacks by following on social media and keeping up with our blogs!